“We all know about the heroes of Gallipolli and the Western Front. Every town and city in Australia has a memorial to the military freedom fighters of the AIF – the ANZACS. But what of the women who made huge personal sacrifices for our political rights and freedoms, the very entitlements that, at the turn of the 20th century, made Australia the most democratic country in the world?
Louisa Lawson started a bloodless – and successful! - revolution on Australian soil. She was one of the leaders of the Australian suffrage movement, part of a global army fighting for women’s right to vote. And so much more: equal pay, safe working conditions, freedom from domestic abuse, age of consent legislation, equitable educational opportunities and a raft of other measures to ensure women’s social, civic and economic equality. These, of course, are measures that women are still battling to achieve today.
In her day, Louisa Lawson was a hero. Today, she is best known as somebody’s mother – if it all. It is time to showcase the proud, defiant, ambitious, courageous woman that Louisa was for today’s and future generations of Australians.”
- Professor Clare Wright