
Today "The Dawn" is available to all through the National Library of Australia's Trove search tool.

You can download whole PDFs of each issue, but you can also browse article by article. You can copy and paste citations in a range of formats, including one for wikipedia!

And you can help improve the text!

The process used to #digitisethedawn involved scanning original copies of the print publication. Then running the images that created through Optical Character Recognition software, or OCR. This means a computer 'reads' the image, and converts it into text. It does a pretty good job, if the quality of the original material is high. But it's not perfect. Common mistakes it makes include confusing an i for an l, or thinking cl is a d.

You can help!

While you're browsing The Dawn online on Trove - if you see errors in the text you can fix them!

Check out these guides to using Trove, and help us improve the text of The Dawn!

If you're on twitter - you can tweet about articles you're looking at. Add #digitisethedawn to your tweets to connect the community of interested souls embarking on further research and discovery into this publication.